Playing with story-telling and interactivity to spark conversations and encourage interest in the Experience Wellington attractions.
Exhibition design. Printed as large format boards that could be used in varying mixed formats or singularly to represent each of the key experiences/venues at trade shows.
Project: Teachers Conference Stand 2019
We had an opportunity to connect with a wide group of primary teachers from throughout New Zealand, all in one place at one time at the Primary Teachers Conference 2019. This was a chance to showcase what we offer in our education programme/s across our multiple venues and to make bookings for the year to come.
As we would be competing for attention with lots of other venues and educators our challenge was to show quickly that we have 4 great venues, each with distinct educational offerings that can help teachers achieve their curriculum’s’ requirements for the year — we offer fun, and engaging educational experiences for their learners.
We created 4 distinct panels each ‘showing by doing’ what we offer, allowing our team on the stand to engage the audience.
The Wellington Museum panel was a white board activity - where people could write up their favourite place in Wellington. This allowed the team to show the types of learning activities they do with their learners… engaging them with ‘place’
The Space Place panel shows a constellation but challenges people with a question ‘do they know their night skies’ … there are three crosses in the sky - can they find the southern cross? This is to encourage dialogue about what we teach at Space Place.
The Nairn Street Cottage panel features the wallpaper from the cottage that was recreated for the refurbishment in 2016 to be in the same style as the original paper. We faked portraits on the wall (of the real family + people who lived in and visited the cottage). To set the engagement with this panel we placed a chair in front of the panel with a small poster inviting them to take a seat and let us tell them a story about the cottage.
The Cable Car Museum showed the winding house via photography from when it was being built and allowed the team to expand on themes of change in Wellington city, to tell stories about what change the cable car brought about to the lives of Wellingtonians.
My role — Concept, Design, Print Production and styling.